Integrating traditional and alternative medicine for a holistic approach to pet health.

Strong Strides
Veterinary Rehabilitation & Acupuncture
Offering mobile acupuncture and physical rehabilitation to pets in Marion County and The Villages, Florida. Serving pets with mobility concerns as well as canine athletes; integrating traditional and alternative medicine for a holistic approach to pet health.

Rehabilitation Services

Mobility Solutions

Acupuncture Services
Services in depth

What is physical rehabilitation?
Physical rehabilitation is he action of restoring a pet to health or normal life through training and therapy after an injury. Physical rehabilitation is increasingly being used in animals to help restore function, mobility, and quality of life.
Physical rehabilitation is done through a number of modalities including: therapeutic exercises, laser therapy, massage and other manual therapies, NMES/TENS, therapeutic ultrasound, treadmill or aquatic therapy.
How can physical rehabilitation help my pet?
• Reduced pain and inflammation
• Increased range of motion
• Improved balance and strength
• Weight loss and/or improved muscle mass
• Improved quality of life
What qualifications should I look for when seeking rehabilitation services for my pet?
There are currently 4 programs available for certification – University of Tennessee (CCRP), Canine Rehabilitation Institute (CCRT), Chi University (CCRV) and NC State (CCAT). Each of these programs offers comprehensive training in the area of physical rehabilitation to veterinarians (and in some cases veterinary technicians and human physical therapists). To complete the certification, there are multiple learning modules, hands-on labs, case reports, and a final certification exam and practicum, ensuring the graduates have full understand of the course work.
What do I need in order for my pet to receive physical rehab services?

What is acupuncture?
What conditions can be treated with acupuncture?
How does acupuncture work?
Does acupuncture hurt?
Is acupuncture safe?
How long will it take for my pet to benefit?

Medical Manipulation
What is veterinary medical manipulation?
What is the difference between chiropractic adjustments and medical manipulation?
What patients can benefit from medical manipulation?
• Pets recovering from a musculoskeletal injury
• Sporting/Agility dogs to ensure proper alignment and condition
• Working Dogs
• Healthy pets to ensure they stay mobile!
Are there contraindications for veterinary medical manipulation?

There are many options to improve the mobility of your pet!
• Modification of the Home Environment
• Use of assistive devices (braces, wheelchairs, etc.) when appropriate
• Enrichment Options for Pets with Mobility Challenges
• Recommendations to Make Home Care Easier for You
One of the biggest concerns from pet owners when their pet loses mobility is how to adjust to the change. Also, the amount of assistive device products marketed now can be extremely overwhelming. Having an in-home consult to discuss modifications, products, and types of enrichment activities takes the stress and research out of your hands. Fitting a pet for a custom brace or wheelchair can also be daunting, and having precise measurements is important to ensure braces and wheelchair straps don’t rub, and that the device does what it is intended to – help!
Let Strong Strides take the pressure off these decisions and fittings.
The Strong Strides Philosophy
My goal is to work as a team with families to improve comfort and quality of life for the pet, and support the client through this process. I take a “whole pet” approach, and counsel clients on what is going to work best for their pet as well as their lifestyle.
Want to stay in the know?
Click here for helpful articles related to rehabilitation, acupuncture and more!